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Church Remodeling Contractors

*Video at bottom of page

quality church renovations metrp atlanta

 Yes we know. We don't have the "fanciest" website on the internet! (It's been online for years!)


 But if you're looking for church remodeling or renovations of any kind anywhere in the metro area. From Lilburn, John's Creek, and Atlanta to Roswell, Alpharetta, Marietta and beyond. 


 And a remodeling contractor that offers it's Metro area clients credentials, credibility, experience and value, you're in the right place!


 In fact, we're backed by literally hundreds of years of combined experience, an A+ BBB rating and two HOUZZ service awards and we have countless completed projects around Metro Atlanta and beyond. You probably see our work every day!

 We also know that if you're here, chances are you're the maintenance director or facilities manager. So, we're going to shoot straight with you and talk a little "shop."

 Guy's, we know the other contractors that do church remodeling. Many of these companies are giant, out of state corporations and you bet, they have fancy websites and much bigger marketing budgets than we do!

 Who do you think pays for all of that? YOU DO! (If you hire them of course) If you're looking to have a large facility built or a multi-million dollar complete renovation done, that's not us and honestly, one of these big companies is probably a better fit for you. However...

 If your church remodeling or renovation project is $500.000.00 or less, we need to have a chat because we can probably save you some money! (Maybe a lot of money!)


 In fact, after you get to know us a little bit, we just might become your "go-to" contractor for future projects as well!

Our Church Remodeling Services

*See list below...

 Guys, church remodeling & renovations aren't that much different than commercial renovations (retail build-outs, tenant finish etc...) or even residential renovations. Both demand and deserve a quality finished project at a fair price.


 Sure, fixtures and appliances may be "commercial grade" but a kitchen is a kitchen. A bathroom is a bathroom and moving walls is...  moving walls!


 But, we know that you need a church remodeling contractor that understands there's usually an operating church to work around.


 And whether you need bathrooms renovated or your offices renovated or whatever your project may be, there's the potential inconvenience to congregants and employees.

 We are very conscience of this and we work hard to minimize this inconvenience by being respectful to your staff and congregants. Get the job done. Get it done right and get out!


 That's a church remodeling contractor showing ultimate respect to your church!

 As far as getting the job done right, we also understand that a church obviously needs to project an image of quality and professionalism to it's congregants, visitors and employees. After all, it's God's house!

 Again, church renovations are very similar to making sure a Dunwoody housewife is overjoyed with her newly renovated kitchen or room addition. Anything less than "done right" simply won't do! (What an understatement!)

List Of Our Church Remodeling Services

 There are countless contractors in Atlanta and many will tell you they can "do it all." 


 Although, short of building you a 50,000 sq./ft. "mega church" which just isn't us, we are willing to talk to you about any project you may be considering. And again, it may end up being a money saving conversation!

 That being said, here are the church remodeling and renovations we excel at... (By the way, of course we could elaborate greatly on each of the items below but we believe you're here to find a remodeling contractor, not read a book!)

* Space Conversions (Convert a vacant building to fit your needs)

* Kitchen remodel/renovation    

* Bathroom(s) remodel/renovation

* Platform redesign & remodeling    

* Office(s) remodel/renovation

* Flooring Installation ~ Carpet, Hardwoods, Tile, Stone, LVT/LVP

* Any Carpentry    

Complete HVAC system    

* Major Electrical

* Any Hardscape need

* Decks, Porches & Patios

* Retaining Walls

* Skylight Installation

* Painting

* Major Plumbing

* Foundation Repair ~ We've helped solve foundation & waterproofing issues that left other contractors  shaking their heads!

Choose A Church Remodeling Contractor You Can Trust!

 It's hard to comprehend that there are actually commercial contractors who literally rake churches over the coals! A contractor actually told us one time "they got all the money!" Wow!!


 If you're a church of any denomination in need of a commercial remodeling contractor for any renovation project. or just want to discuss a project you may be considering, call us! We'll treat you with the respect you deserve.

 Lastly, a quick visit to the "Completed Projects" page will give you a good idea of our Renovation and Restoration capabilities. Again, you see our work every day!

 Although we've gotten away from the larger new construction projects over the last few years, everything and more, listed on this page is right in our wheelhouse!

 So, whatever you may be in need of for your church or it's property, choose a commercial general contractor you can trust to get your project done right, on time and on budget!

 And we love to say ~ "Ask us how we can do what no one else in Metro Atlanta can do for a price that won't bust your budget!"

 We are at your service;

 Metro Renovations & More!




 * Although the video below doesn't focus on churches, it will highlight some of our commercial remodeling and renovation capabilities!

Based in Lilburn, Ga. We proudly & professionally service the entire Metro Atlanta area & beyond!


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