"You see our work everyday!"
From Foundation to Roof. Metro Atlanta's trusted Residential & Commercial Contractors!
About Us

A personal note and important details from our founder, Dan Luther...
"Why is there a picture of a beautiful little girl here instead of mine? Well, number one. She's a lot prettier than I am!
Number two and simply put, she's my daughter and the absolute driving force behind all I do! Here's where we came from...
Back in the late 1990's, after seeing two friends and someone in my own family get shoddy work and outright ripped of by "bad" Contractors, a thought hit me...
They can't ALL be bad! And from that one simple thought...
I decided to put my own light construction and almost 20 years of customer service experience to work and a few years later, Metro Renovations & More! was born.
Now, over 20 years later, we've built an absolutely amazing organization. In fact, when we say we're "backed by literally hundreds of years of combined experience," we mean it! Not to mention our A+ BBB rating and our 2018 AND 2019 Houzz Service Awards!
My daughter is with me quite often when I'm on the phone talking with callers and clients. She already knows many of my "talking points" by heart.
When she was a bit younger and would ask "daddy, what do you do?" Here's how I would explain it to her...
Sweetheart, daddy solves problems and makes people's dreams come true! "What do you mean?" She would ask.
Well, if a tree falls on someone's home or business, that's a problem and they need someone they can trust to fix it. Then she asked...
"How do you make dreams come true?" Well, some people dream about having a new kitchen or a bigger bathroom or maybe making their homes bigger. Or even something to make their yard prettier. They need someone they can trust too!
Yes, I talk about my daughter a lot. What proud dad wouldn't? On top of that, I'm a single dad and I'm her hero! I HAVE to be committed to excellence and be at my best every day.
If you decide to call us with a problem or a dream you may have. Hopefully, you'll get a sense right off the bat of that commitment to excellence which begins when we first answer the phone.
Another thing you'll notice is that we ask a lot of questions and we take a lot of notes.
We need to get to know you and your home or business and we encourage you to be wary of a Contractor who doesn't show great interest in you and your problem or your dream!
And you'll certainly notice that we WILL shoot straight with you! We hear horror stories all the time about Contractors who will tell a client that they can do a particular project for the client's budget knowing all along it simply can't be done!
Then when the money runs out, the Contractor either hits them up for more money, which they may or may not have, or simply doesn't return to complete the job. Wouldn't you much rather have the truth to begin with?
We also want to let you know that over 60% of our callers are women. You bet, there are still Contractors who talk down to "the little lady!"
NEVER tolerate that! You'll notice on your first call to us that... You don't have to!
Lastly, yes, we are different and we look forward to our first conversation with you to explain exactly what that means. So...
What problem are you dealing with? What dream for your home, yard or business, big or small, do you need help with to make it come true? Whatever it may be, why not put our literally hundreds of years of combined experience to work for you?
Call us today and let's have an intelligent conversation about your needs or dreams!"
I am at your service;
Dan Luther
Metro Renovations & More!